
August 28, 2007

Buying and Storing Food

Buying and storing is an art for every homemaker to master.It can be made a pleasurable and profitable one.Limit your food shopping trips to the market as
Fruits-thrice a week
Vegetables-twice a week
Provisions-once a month

A wall pad at a convient height is a good thing to have in the kitchen.During the course of the month jot down the things you need to buy based on which you can make your shopping list.

While buying vegetables pick up hard and heavy vegetables first and soft ones and fruits last so that they won't be crushed.Have them in seperate covers then you can save the trouble of later sorting them at home.

Tips for choosing some vegetables

Onions:Ends should be firm,skin glossy.Avoid ones with shoots,discardones with black moulds on the skin.

Tomato:Select firm slightly unripe ones.

Radish and Turnip:Firm translucent with fresh leaves.

Brinjal:Avoid ones with holes,blemishes or withered skin.

Lady's finger:Tipsshould be tender,hard ones are over matured.

Potato:Firm round ones without green patchesor eyes.

Cabbage and greens:Leaves should be fresh and bright green,do not buy soggy ones.

Carrot:Buy firm long slim ones with their typical reddish orange colour.

Beans:Tender pliable ones are the best.

Bitter gourd:Uniform shape and dark green in colour.

Yam:Buy ones with whitish or yellowish flesh,pink coloured flesh causes a stinging sensation he tongue.

Coconut:Shaking it best checks it,the sloshing of water inside indicates it is good.

Take your time to select good fruits.

Bananas:Choose firm with clear skin,they should not be soft and pulpy unless you want to have it on the same day.....Black skins with spots means that they are overripe.

Apples:Usually conical-shaped apples taste better than round ones.Skin should not be bruised.

Oranges:A good tangy smell,firm skin, fruti heavy with juices ideal.

Melons:Ripe ones with a very sweet smell.

Plums:Dark maroon colour,ripe yet firm,no cuts or leaks.

Mangoes:At the time of buying, they should be firm.

Green Grapes:A slightly green tinge,tanslucent skin,medium sized ones are sweet.